
Let's build something awesome together

Esther Zuidgeest

As a game developer I enjoy foremost being an integral part of a driven team, where we support and empower each other. Through my extensive experience I can wear many hats and work on what is most critical at any point. Be it building game logic, prototyping new designs, implementing art assets into smart building blocks or doing game optimisation.

My technical creativity allows me to pick up tasks that require a mix of technicality, knowledge of art and design. I speak the language of both programmers, designers and artists and can seamlessly merge their work together into modular building blocks that make for example level design a piece of cake.  That’s not all though. 
Aside from my professional skills, I am also a very social and easy person to work with. I thrive under a good team spirit and a clear vision. If things aren't clear I'm pro-active about finding answers. 

Hobbies & interests

Singing and percussion
Building game prototypes
Creatures and anatomy